How do I register my team for the 2025 spring season?
All interested teams should email us at or call 972-638-0443. The NVSL spring season for all divisions (men's open, men's over-30, men's over-40) will begin March 2025. Men's open division games will be played on Sunday nights. Men's over 30 division games will be played on Thursday nights. Men's over 40 division games will be played on Sunday nights. Team registration fee for each division is contigent on how many games are played. Fall 2023 registration fees are for reference: 8 game season $1900, 9 game season $2000, 10 game season $2150. All new incoming teams will be required to deposit a $300 performance bond which is fully refundable at the end of season upon request, or can be rolled over into the next season. NVSL accepts online credit card payments for all team registrations, (venmo @NVSLsoccer), check, and paypal. Please contact NVSL directly at 972-638-0443 for any payment related questions.
Can individual free agent players and small groups register?
Yes you can! Individuals should click on 'register player' and complete the form, please include your level of experience. We'll pass your contact information to teams in our league who are seeking free agents. Small groups are encouraged to register even if you do not have enough players for 11v11. We can also group you with other small groups and free agents to create a team. It should be noted the level of play in NVSL is competitive. Please contact NVSL directly for assistance.
Can I contact NVSL directly to register a team, a small group of players, or if I have general questions?
Men's Open, Men's Over-30 and Over-40 Division inquiries call Teddy Safo at 972-638-0443. Teams interested in joining our league should email For all other general inquiries, please email us directly at or you can use the contact form on our website. Please include your phone number and email so we can contact you.